Saturday, August 29, 2009

Eughhh pet peeves/dislikes/turn-offs

So I had actually started this a while back, but I hadn't ever posted it.....

1. I really hate it when people don't close their mouth when they're chewing. It's disgusting. I'm just like, "THANK YOU, BUT I REALLY WOULD NOT LIKE TO SEE THE SMUSHED-UP CONTENTS INSIDE OF THAT SALIVATING HOLE."
2. People who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze/cough. dees gast ing.
3. Two words = BODY ODOR
4. I also hate it when people act like they're better than you. When they're not. Which brings me to number 5....
5. Ughh overly-sexual/horny people. Like, the only thing they want from you is sex. Or naked pictures. Or whatthefack, that ain't goin' happen betch
6. People who are too play-by-the-rules-I-have-no-sense-of-fun-or-humor-I-just-like-to-do-homework-and-drown-myself-in-academics-while-my-nonexistent-social-life-dies-even-more
7. Bad hygiene. Also ties into B.O.
8. Major gossipers/hypocrites. I know way too many chicks who have no life/nothing better to do other than judging others, gossiping, and having like 9238409324 personalities. They make me want to punch babies. And I like babies.
9. People who think everyone else's opinion but their own is wrong. UGH, NO NONONO
10. IGNORANT AND/OR RACIST PEOPLE (and I mean, I like to do my awesome stereotypical voices, but it no way is RACISM cool. no wayyyy)
11. CIGARETTES/DRUGS ARE NOT COOL. I mean, I can understand a few times out of curiosity, etc etc. But addiction? Ew. Plus you smell nasty.
12. Drinking isn't either. I mean, drinking in excessive quantities. We're young, and ruining our bodies with alcohol? pl0x and thank you- NO.
13. Asian guys who claim they don't like Asian girls. "Oh man, I hate Asian girls. They're all so annoying and the same. White girls are so hot mannn" Uhh no. There are some pretty damn fuglyass ANNOYING white girls and some pretty ...pretty non-annoying Asian girls out there. Honestly? I want to slap a bitch and punch a ho when I meet an asian guy like that.
14. Rude salespeople and unhelpful restaurant workers. Do your job. God. GOD.
15. RIDICULOUSLY cheap people. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, there is a FINE line between THRIFTY and CHEAP.
16. People who don't care about school. That's probably just me being the nerd I am, but seriously, not giving a crap at all is stupid & you should at least CARE somewhat.
17. ehhh will add later as the time comes

Hahah of course my list of things I absolutely rove is tonsss longer, so no worries :D

/gets excited

the end.

Friday, August 28, 2009


YEEEUH BiiTCH3ZzzZZ$$$$$$$$$

Actually, I'm not that excited about it.

I was SO sick of my old hair.
It was driving me insaaane. My bangs were like limp and shit, and my ends were AWFUL! And I don't even straighten my hair that often alskdjsad8uI90udc*)8y333

I wanted to go bald >.>

But I restrained myself, and the outcome was thees: (I just took these pictures about 5 minutes ago. They are not the best. But they shall do.)

(I'm pulling my half-ponytail...that's why it's sticking out like that haha)

You lykeee?

Eh, I don't LIKE it, but I don't DISLIKE it either.

Leave your feedback.

--La'bria Shandeytra Sha'bootyflanclaya

Sunday, August 23, 2009


To my friends:

I'd just like to say that I absolutely love my friends.

I'll miss you all<3

Keep in touch, and remember ALL the memories.

I won't forget you guys.

To life:

Thanks for giving me a new opportunity.

It's a new chapter in my life.

I better make it damn fresh.

Hahah. highlight of weekend: freaking out because this creepy mexican guy kept ...ohgod...fondling us...with his eyes >.> while we were in the car. He kept speeding up and giving us creepy smiles. OHGOD

Parlez vous francais?
Je m'appelle Karen et Je t'aime.
Au revoir.

It's been an overwhelming week in more than one way.

Leave me some love;

Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Sunday, August 16, 2009

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?

'Cause I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me.


The past few days have been ughhhhh for me.
I've actually been getting a lot of violin done ( 2-3 hours a day! :O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as opposed to my normal 10 min/5 min/...0 min a day during the summer routine)
cause I've basically spent the past few days with my violin teacher.
Hmmm, what else? Nothing really. As of right now, my life is really boring.
I need some pizazz. Who wants to go get drunk?! Let's just waste ourselves. And then we can party like it's 1999. THEN WE CAN ALL HAVE LOTS OF UNPROTECTED SEX.
Hahahah KIDDING. I KID, I KID >.>

I think my family has the turn-red-when-you-drink-alcohol gene programmed into our systems.

You know what I feel like doing? I want to go wreak some havoc.

15 more days til my ass is packed & out of here.

Leave some love, guys.

You know how it do.

[That's my ugly finger
However, that wasp outdoes my hand in fuglyassness ANY DAY.
This other chick and I slayed that beast. WE DEMOLISHED IT.
You can see its right wings are missing. And it's drowned in body wash.
This was at camp. The Duke TiP SWAHHHN FLU ONE.(: ]

Friday, August 14, 2009


Dear lovely and most adoring readers,

Today, I got looked up and down/ talked to by about 4 different creepy men.

2 were black, 1 was Mexican, 1 was white.

3 at Home Depot, one at Fed-Ex.



Cordially yours,

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Whether you love them or hate them, or never even heard of them, ulzzangs (AKA eoljjang, AKA Ultchang, AKA plastic surgerified Asian barbies) are spreading over the internet like a really really really....REALLY bad fad.

The word Ulzzang translated literally means "best face". lolwut,
I know.
Hey, any Koreans out there know the word for "worst face?" I'd love to know.

They're basically identical carbon copies of each other. Their looks, poses, hair, and even clothes are like...the fucking same.
Most of them are in the age range of 17-27ish, and they seem to defy the aging process. These 27-year olds look like 13-year-old dollthingymajiggers, but with a cake made of makeup on their faces. In fact, I've decided their faces do look good enough to eat. They're so....flawless-looking.

But looks, my friend, can be pret-ty deceiving.

A lot of these Ulzzangs have gotten famous (Park Han-byul, anyone?) from posting their pictures online and being so "b-e-a-youuuteeful"

So today, I've decided to create a parody step-by-step chart on how to be one of these Ulzzang chicks.


1. GRAB A PAIR OF CIRCLE LENSES. Yesht. Be willing to pay about 40 dollars for a pair if you order them online (includes S & H). Most Ulzzang do not get black. Get some white-person color, such as hazel or green.
For those of you who don't know what circle lenses are, they are cosmetic lenses to enhance your eyes, since they have a bigger diameter than regular contacts. Enhance being making them look bigger and omg~~!!! more kAwAii~~ >.<" ^3^ ~.<

2. Stick those circle lenses in your eye. Voila! Bigger eyes IMMEDIATELY. (-.- to O.O)

3. Stock up on makeup. You want your face to be as pale as possible. Think Casper, only the female version. Your eyes should be lined with liner, your makeup should flatter your eye color, your eyelashes long and lush, everything should be. just. perfect.

4. If needed, especially if you're single-lidded like me *sigh*, get some double-eyelid tape or glue. Be wary, the glue will stretch out your eyelid if you wear it for prolonged periods of time. The reason being is because every time you blink, your eyelid stretches from the glue. In time, you will have saggy eyelids. Not pretty. Do not want. Not Ulzzang material, bitch.

5. Now, say hello to your new best friend- false eyelashes! YAYYYY. Apparently the gene god decided to give most Asians inadequatedly-lengthed sparse eyelashes.

6. Okay, since your circle lenses are in, your face caked with makeup, it's now time to learn how to pose and dress like an Ulzzang. When dressing, pick the cutesiest stuff possible. Little kid stuff is good. Your outfit must include something kAwAii~~~ like a Hello Kitty necklace or something. But when it comes to dressing, as long as it looks good, nobody cares. It's your face that matters. Everything neck and up.

7. Yo hurr. It needs to be dyed a color similar to caramel, honey, copper, or something like that. Have a FOB hairstyle: think mushroom bangs, side bangs, or some other variant of the two. Hair can be left to interpretation.

You want to look pale and timid and shy and innocent and cute and non-pugnacious, so opt for somewhere bright to take your photos. Or you can get every single desk lamp you own and shine them on you, you beautiful creature, you.

ANGLE THAT SHIT. That shit being your face. Angle your face so your eyes are looking up at the camera. Or maybe it's angle your camera >.>

Make your eyes go AS BIG AS THEY CAN, even if you're already hardcore widening them. Open them until they're about to pop out of their sockets. That might be challenging, since you have the uncomfortable circle lenses in and the eyelid crap plus the false eyelashes plus all the makeup. Just don't over-strain your eyes. That would be ugly. Do not want. Not Ulzzang at all.

Pout your lips, but make them really really thin and small and cute. Do some cute pouty thing. Idk how to describe it, just do it. Your small lips will make your eyes look even!!! beeeeegerr. Don't wear an overwhelming lip color, because your goal is cute and oh-me-*giggle*-oh-my *giggle* and frail. Not seductive and sexy.

Your poses can be as simple as you want. You could just stare, doe-eyed, at the camera, or you could put one finger on some random part of your face and hope it looks cute. Just whateveeerrr you do, Ulzzang are always dainty. So that means please, don't stick a finger up your nose and hope it looks cute.

Also, photoshop is your best friend. Personally, I have never taken a photoshop lesson, nor do I own photoshop, so I can't help you with that. But just edit yourself to perfection. Pretty simple.

Post your pictures over t3h interw3bz and hope to get famous.

If all else fails, get some plastic surgery. It's not uncommon for teens to get barbie-fied in Korea.

9. I don't think this matters, but I will throw this in for good measure. You must type like you're a fob. AKA excessive emoticons, tildees (~~~), and sometimes, even the uP aNd d0wNn sHiiT liiK3 diiS~~~~kAwAii~~~

The end.

Personally, I would not want to spend like...2 hours doing all that shit just so I can look like a doll. All those chemicals from the makeup is going to fuck their faces up, plus the circle lenses will make them blind/near-blind sooner or later.

If you think you're not Ulzzang material, THINK AGAIN:

Even guys can be ulzzang!

ANDDD my personal favorite: (click on this blog link)

It's great. I loled. My jaw dropped in shock.

I hope that this was somewhat entertaining and informative.

Ulzzang aside, you Korean peepo still ROCK like rocks. SARANGAE & ut possuh, kihjehbeh x]

Thanks for reaaaading(:

Please comment to let me know you care.

, love, no hate.

my summer. foreal this time.

Hayyy everyone, whatupwhatup?
This will probably be a longass post that will bore you to pieces, but I suppose if you're already creeping on this, it won't be too painful
. ;D!

Letseee, we got out of school on the 5th of June after what seemed like a decade, and then summer hit.
Truth be told, it wasn't that spectacular at first. I liked the idea of summer more than actual summer itself. Basically for the next 10 days I stayed home and slept hardXcore (like you have no idea), wasted time, went shoppangg, and got ready for TiP. (Talent Identification Program ftw)
TiP was on the 15th. It was at Duke University, and unlike the previous 3 years, I decided to go to East campus this time.
I didn't know like....anybody when I went, and it was toonnns more clique-y than West. Plus there was this obnoxious group of girls who had this fucking beat-up piñata from the year before (don't get me wrong, I rooove piñatas, but this shit was different. WAYYY different) that they basically DEIFIED and worshipped. (Its name was Tippy. Who the fuck names a
piñata TIPPY. Personally, I decided to call it Titty. w00t.)

It's a long story, but let's just say they were OBSESSED with it. OBSESSED. Most of the campus hated it and wanted to burn/rip its head off/smash it to pieces, but they wanted to idk....keep it for their nightly rituals that probably involved some kind of orgy/love-making to the inanimate thing.

TiP was pretty good, although I regretted I went to East just because there were a lot of Westies that I didn't know were going this year.

Plus fucking Swine Flu released its angry wrath at ahoohah, ONLY EAST CAMPUS, because I swear, that Tippy shit was cursed.

There were over 20 confirmed cases of SWAAAHHHN FLU, plus tons of other random people with the fever and sick, and after a while, they stopped testing for SWAHHHHN FLU. They just treated you for the symptoms. And quarantined you.

*in Borat voice* Great success! I was not sick. Although I had a minor cold for 2 days, it was all good.

I met some pretty groovy people, and reunited with some spiffytastic people too. My class was boss. The people in my class were boss.

I miss doing the time warp, singing American Pie while drenched in sweat, mandatory fun, my class, the people, watching "Tuts my Barreh" on Youtube over and over again, shouting out "YO TITTIES" and other korean vile words, and acting black.

Yuri, if you're reading this, here's your shout-out, bitch(:
Here's your shout-out Spencer. :D
Shout-out requests will be accepted from nao on.
You know you want to feel important ;]


So TiP ended on the 4th of July. Term 2 had to be shut down cause of SWAAHHHN FLU. Sucks for them.

I came back, and once more, slept ridiculouslylylylylylylylyly, wasted even moar time, cause in 9 days, on July 15th, we'd be heading to Seattle & Vancouver.

On July 14th, I got my bottom braces off. It was not so exciting, since it was my second time. Stupid typically short and yellow and angry asian mother, forcing me to get bottom braces ONLY again.

July 15th was the start of a very interesting week.
We were heading up to the SEATAC airport, and once there, we'd be living at my mom's friend's daughter's apartment. Pheww that was a mouthful xD

Sounds perfectly fine, right?


Originally, this trip was going to be OUR FAMILY only (AKA me, big sis, Mom, Dad), but my mom was talking to her friend, and her friend came up with the BRILLIANT idea that both she and her daughter would join us.

It didn't sound that painful, so I went with it.

Mannn, let's just say it was pathetic and my own MOM, even, personally decided we are never going on a damn family trip with them EVER again.


1. If you're going to go with another family, make sure they are the FUN type, or at least up for adventures. ESPECIALLY if you're going to the mountains, make sure they're not afraid of heights. *cough* >.> Lucky for us, my mom's friend and her daughter were boring. BORING.
(sidenote- lemme sum up her daughter for her. 25 years old, about 5 foot 4, looks like she's fucking YOUNGER than me, reminds me of a mouse, I swear, I wanted to punch her in the nose, doesn't know SHIT about Seattle, like where to eat, what places are fun, barely even any roads besides the ones around her apartment, weak as hell, even worse than a pushover, cause she has no social life, clung on to her mother, LITERALLY, she held on to her mom whenever she walked like a baby, had no opinion, no complaints, no praises. auugh, one word: PA-THE-TIC)

2. Make sure they're not CHEAP. Okay, there's a difference between THRIFTY and CHEAP. My family is super money-saving, like most asian families, no surprise there >.>, but THEY? They had the fucking NERVE to make us literally pay for EVERYTHING. So we had sushi, which btw, was THE shit<333, and my mom's friend was sitting there, flipping through the menu, going, "Oh, why is this so expensive?" (in Chinese, of course), because she thought she was going to pay. We ended up paying. ...That whore.

3. Make sure they have OPINIONS and are capable of figuring things out, and don't tag along, expecting you to do everything.

I don't remember when we got back, but AH DOO BUHLEEVE it was the 21st of July.

Up until now, I've just been chilling with my friends, wasting time again, being lame, practicing some violin now that my teacher is back from vacation, sitting on babies, finishing up summer work for Milton, uhhh the usual.

Oh, not to mention being a pimpette in charge of my man whore house.


That's right. ooooh and ahhhh. 5 megapixel camera, bitches(; That's one less megapixel than my actual camera itself >.>


Rove you all!

(for all you non-Chinese people, that says 69. In Chinese. THIS GUY'S SHIRT SAID 69 IN CHINESE BAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm fairly sure he knew what it said, too (:. Please don't tell me I'm the only one who found this amusing.)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quote of the week.

"Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."

Disclaimer: I actually added the period in there. I like proper grammar. :3


As of right now, Karen's followers: 0.


Sankyoo Pansu & other Karen.
Yall are THE bomb.comslashmom*



I've decided to create a blog, just so people can read about pointless crap that happens in my life, and to keep up with me at boarding school.

...Mostly for the first reason, though. heheheh. eheheh. heheh. eheh. heh. eh. h.

I feel like I haven't gotten much accomplished during the summer, except consuming the edibles, sleeping 12 hours a day, and sitting on babies. Oh, and the occasional violining and banging on the peeanoh. (keyword: occasional)

I really want this shirt that says "Lean like a churro". I have wayyy too many random shirts like that, but they're probably my favoritezzz thingz evar.

...elbows up, side to side.
I hate that song. Why do I do such preposterous things on a daily basis.

Anyway. On to the "meat" of my blog: talking about what I did today.

TODAY, I sat on babies and wasted time.

Anddd I also ate 4 gummy vitamins.

Anddddddddddddd I also played Club Penguin. :B:B:B

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD I even pretended to be a cat with a four year old for quite some time.

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD... I just realized how boring my life is.

I don't even have anything to write about.

The fack. D:

Bah, I suppose this concludes my first lame post. (of many to come! wa wa wee wa!)


P.S. If this made you squirm in your pants, then I did my job well.

P.P.S. If you feel that your life is better lamer (psh, I beg your pardon), I would absolutely ROVE to hear about what kind of funjazzpizzazz YOU'VE been up to. :]